2017 m. spalio 18 d., trečiadienis

Paskelbta, kam buvo paskirta 2017 metų Bukerio premija

Bukerio premija ( Booker Prize) Viena iš svarbiausių angliškai kalbančiųjų pasaulio šalių literatūrinė premija, skiriama nuo 1969 metų už geriausią metų romaną anglų kalba.
Štai trumpa informacija apie šių metų nugalėtoją.

Lincoln in the Bardo

Lincoln in the Bardo

George Saunders (Bloomsbury Publishing)

On 22 February 1862, two days after his death, Willie Lincoln is laid to rest in a marble crypt in a Georgetown cemetery. That very night, shattered by grief, his father Abraham arrives at the cemetery, alone, under cover of darkness.

Over the course of that evening, Abraham Lincoln paces the graveyard unsettled by the death of his beloved boy, and by the grim shadow of a war that feels as though it is without end. Meanwhile Willie is trapped in a state of limbo between the dead and the living – drawn to his father with whom he can no longer communicate, existing in a ghostly world populated by the recently passed and the long dead.

Unfolding in the graveyard over a single night, narrated by a dazzling chorus of voices, Lincoln in the Bardo is a thrilling exploration of death, grief and the deeper meaning and possibilities of life.

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